Cobot Lift

New Automation Enginering and Marketing Interns At Cobot Lift

Welcome to our new interns!

We love being able to contribute and create educational opportunities for students!

Meet our new members of the team at Cobot Lift!!

Morten Agertoft study to become a AP Graduate in Automation Engineering at UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole .
“Im looking forward to work with different tasks in my internship period at Cobot Lift!”

Mathias Kjær Musiat study to become a AP Graduate in Automation Engineering at KEA – Københavns Erhvervsakademi .
“I study automation technology because automation is the future!”

Deniz Meric study to become a AP Graduate in Marketing Management at Zealand – Sjællands Erhvervsakademi.
“I look forward to the “hands on” experience in a global born company!”


Cobot Lift Boosting The Sales International

How do you sell your collaborative robot with vacuum lift solution in a global pandemic stationed in Slagelse? It is done online as so much else. An investment in a professional setup for web presentation of the robot and the tools, a local invention which has boosted the sales international. Just in 3 months Cobot Lifts revenue has exceeded last year’s total sales revenue and there is potential for even more.

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